About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Welcome to Vejar Elementary School!   

On behalf of Vejar Elementary and Walnut Valley Unified School District, I would like to welcome you to Vejar Elementary School! Our school community fosters the love and support of every child and their needs through a lens of equity, inclusion, and justice. We believe that they are here to learn and grow in their academics, behaviors, and social-emotional skills as they develop from transitional kindergarten through fifth grade. We have had a unique few years of navigating the opportunity to educate children through a global pandemic, distance learning and returning to campus as we discovered the needs of our community.  I, along with our incredible Vejar teachers and staff, are here to support you and our students. Our practices build on curriculum, instruction, assessment, and climate while developing the foundation of our Vejar values, respect, responsibility, and safety.

At Vejar, we believe daily student attendance is the key to student success. It is important your child is in school every day to ensure a successful school year. We also prioritize the safety and wellness of each other, whatever the situation may be 

The key to #stayingconnected is open communication with us, your teacher, and each other.  We provide electronic newsletters, recorded principal videos, website updates, Twitter notices, phone calls, and text messages to keep you abreast of current events at school. Many of our staff utilized educational apps to provide daily and weekly updates. You can also check this website, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.  We have opportunities for family engagement and parent involvement in School Site Council, Community Club, English Language Advisory Committee, and district resources as well.  Be sure to take note of important people, dates, and different ways that you can become involved in your child’s education at Vejar. Please be sure that we have your correct email address at all times. I look forward to our time together throughout the year. 


Stay safe, stay healthy, stay well!   

Twitter: @vejarschool 

#VejarValues #stayingconnected

We are- VEJAR!

Vejar Values, Every Student, Every Day!       

Whitney Prenger, Ed.D. Vejar Elementary School, Principal